ok....sementara aq tengah rjin nih...aq nk share la...uhuhu.. beselah....org "baRu"... ok..last week kteowg ade wat experiment taw.....best! actually ade 2 experiment, pyhsics n chemistry....tp,time physics nye experiment, aq xske sgt...hua3 so, aq story sal chem nye je la... dolu2 kan indicator already prepared for instance for testing acidity,basic...bla...bla...but now, we prepared the INDICATOR!! sound interesting right???!!! it was a simple experiment...we blend the purple cabbage together with ethanol n distilled water and took the extract...(kene perah plak dulu...abes tgn jd purple)..then,poured the extract into stock bottle,immediately immersed it in an ice bath because it's easily oxidised...(ape gunenye buat klu dah teroksida...tkde func. lah! =,=) next, from the extract, we tested the solutions which had already prepared....there were 7 solutions gotta be tested....hahaha....used dropper, dropped 5-10 drops of indicator into each of test tubes contained the...
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