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Showing posts from 2011

aPoLogiz3........ =)

     do u feel ashamed to apologize?????...... ntah nape...ari ni unie nk share pasal apologize nih... pernah x korang rse berat aty utk apologize??? klu unie, unie sndiri ngaku unie berat aty... tp, unie bukan rse jatuh maruah atau ape....cume unie ade 1 sifat segan xb'tempat...babtu agk susah nk, dlm aty, hnya allah je tawu betape unie rse b'salah...     papepon,bende ni xelok....klu kita salah...kita kne cpt2 apologize.. bg unie, kita kne prihatin dgn surrounding kita....tgok, klu2 ade p'lakuan kita yg x' disenangi owg len....and, klu da aware of something..cpt2 la apologize..huhu..actually i wanna insist this esp among our friends even our close friends...remember! mend ur ways because not all people can totally understnd us whether we're joking or talking seriously.....     d'sbbkn mrk kwn kitalah kte kne apologize....kan?? xrse kew? kate kwn..share everythings...sadness and happiness but, ble smpi moment which we need to apolog...

Went to BeryL'$ factory ! =))

      what's up!!!! hek3.. da lame x merapu kat, unie da dpt new experience so, boley la kite shARE..... opss! before tht, even today is saturday but life unie too busy..ahakz! (poyo)~ pagi2, unie kene gi 1 saturday i gonna sit for other parts of MUET.... xsuke oh! mmg, mnde ni keperluan kan.....buat ajelah!! =)       ermmm.....ahha..let's go to the best part of my life today!! huhu...exciTed!  tadi..pas zohor....unie da redy nk gi lawatan (amali pertanian)...Unie gi kilang chocolate!!! nyum...nyum..nyum....=P =) tapi...yg xbes nye..kilang tu dekat sgt....blkg U jewp..kat sri kembangan...=(  nek bas xlme mne pon.....( tu yg xbes nye) dlm 15 min unie pon smpi ngn membe2 yg len...unie trip yg ke-2...bab td trun lmbat nk nek bas....kan pdn muke~ =) tp..jgn mengate dulu.....!! haha... kteowg smpai..masuk la 1 hall ni...dgr cket briefing sal chocolate processing, packaging...the machines....( mnde ni un...

BosHan yeEE~ =( =/

ermmm...armm....ok! got the brainWave! ahaha.... ari nih, tade ape pon yg menarik start klas pagi gler.......~ start dgn subj. bio yg aq gemar.....wakakaka.....blaja tjuk excretion......lbeyh kurg camtulah.....ehehe..( nmpk sgt xfokus!) within 2hours, we finished the whole chaP!!!! haa...betapa laju nyew~~~~ pastu ttbe Dr.kua dri bilik......aik??? pahal enn.....kteowg wt salah kew??? membe2 yg tdo sume MENYALA matenye.....hik3... pastu, Dr. pun msuk.....he got a parcel with him.... oit3! ape plak tuh....ceh! nervousness started to creep around our bodY!! rupe2nye paper test 1 kteowg........ =P nk d'jadikan story, marks aq ok2 laa.....b'sesuaian dgn effort aq..... nk twu bpe kew????? hurmm......xperlu kot...cukupla aq ckp aq b'syukur dgn marks tu & i'll try my best nxt time...... =)) p/s : after all, i wanna share wif u guys tht we shouldn't regret the past... we can't change the was already gone.....huhu.... but! do something with th...

mission completeD

ok....sementara aq tengah rjin nk share la...uhuhu.. "baRu"... ok..last week kteowg ade wat experiment! actually ade 2 experiment, pyhsics n,time physics nye experiment, aq xske sgt...hua3 so, aq story sal chem nye je la... dolu2 kan indicator already prepared for instance for testing acidity,basic...bla...bla...but now, we prepared the INDICATOR!! sound interesting right???!!! it was a simple experiment...we blend the purple cabbage together with ethanol n distilled water and took the extract...(kene perah plak dulu...abes tgn jd purple)..then,poured the extract into stock bottle,immediately immersed it in an ice bath because it's easily oxidised...(ape gunenye buat klu dah teroksida...tkde func. lah! =,=) next, from the extract, we tested the solutions which had already prepared....there were 7 solutions gotta be tested....hahaha....used dropper, dropped 5-10 drops of indicator into each of test tubes contained the...

briefly bout me now.. ( cHeck it Out)! 0.o

ehem..d'sbbkn aq dpt ilham nk wat blog kt UPM, then let me bring u into my life here..basicly,i've friendly friends here juz the same tht i'd before at SMAPK...=)their nmes are NIZA, LINA, EQA, ZURA & usual, i'm always getting GILA2 frenz n diz mke my life colourful n wonderful! huhu =DD no wonder unie pun GILA!ouh..ohhh...actually, they're my roomates! only 6 members in a room..a big, obvious difference from my previous school..aHAKZ! after all, i'm alredy in sem 2 for diz "ASper"..n juz sat the test 1 in previous week~ hpefully get better result lah!ermm...not to mention the others!! my lecture's group members...arghhh....banyak lorh!! btw, they're all the best....~ =)

1st tyme........ (bluurrrrZ)

ok.....unie actually bru fuz tyme involve dlm mnde2 nih.....dpt ilham pas bce blog roommate......LINA...ehehehe.... then, jd sengal dgn roommate agy sowg ZURA......dye ckp "ko wat dlu, nty aq wat....." hehe unie pon mcm nk try, sbb sengal tibai jew.....hua3.. so,mesty byk cacat celanye.......almklumlah....owg BARUUUU...... ni je kot utk kli time unie improve okay....... (^_^)