do u feel ashamed to apologize?????...... ntah nape...ari ni unie nk share pasal apologize nih... pernah x korang rse berat aty utk apologize??? klu unie, unie sndiri ngaku unie berat aty... tp, unie bukan rse jatuh maruah atau ape....cume unie ade 1 sifat segan xb'tempat...babtu agk susah nk, dlm aty, hnya allah je tawu betape unie rse b'salah... papepon,bende ni xelok....klu kita salah...kita kne cpt2 apologize.. bg unie, kita kne prihatin dgn surrounding kita....tgok, klu2 ade p'lakuan kita yg x' disenangi owg len....and, klu da aware of something..cpt2 la apologize..huhu..actually i wanna insist this esp among our friends even our close friends...remember! mend ur ways because not all people can totally understnd us whether we're joking or talking seriously..... d'sbbkn mrk kwn kitalah kte kne apologize....kan?? xrse kew? kate kwn..share everythings...sadness and happiness but, ble smpi moment which we need to apolog...
This blog is basically about myself and all my doings. You are welcomed to read and leave any comments. :)