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Went to BeryL'$ factory ! =))

      what's up!!!! hek3.. da lame x merapu kat, unie da dpt new experience so, boley la kite shARE..... opss! before tht, even today is saturday but life unie too busy..ahakz! (poyo)~ pagi2, unie kene gi 1 saturday i gonna sit for other parts of MUET.... xsuke oh! mmg, mnde ni keperluan kan.....buat ajelah!! =)
      ermmm.....ahha..let's go to the best part of my life today!! huhu...exciTed! 
tadi..pas zohor....unie da redy nk gi lawatan (amali pertanian)...Unie gi kilang chocolate!!! nyum...nyum..nyum....=P =) tapi...yg xbes nye..kilang tu dekat sgt....blkg U jewp..kat sri kembangan...=(  nek bas xlme mne pon.....( tu yg xbes nye) dlm 15 min unie pon smpi ngn membe2 yg len...unie trip yg ke-2...bab td trun lmbat nk nek bas....kan pdn muke~ =) tp..jgn mengate dulu.....!! haha...
kteowg smpai..masuk la 1 hall ni...dgr cket briefing sal chocolate processing, packaging...the machines....( mnde ni unie kne jog down tau sbb pasni ade, kwn unie soh record je..;P )..
        pastu , kak fasi tu bwk kteowg jln2 dlm kilang tu....mmm.....da leyh bau da AROMA chocolte yg lazat tuh..ehehehe.....ahha! tawu x.... unie leh ckp kat situ mcm " CHARLIE N THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY !!!! " =D (hiperbola kejap)...
jln2..nmpak la pekerja2 tu sume khusyuk + tekun wat keje masing2...da t'pk nk wat keje part time pas abes assi kat chocolte factory...hik3.....
        ok....da abes jln2 dlm tu...kteowg masuk kt satu shop btol2 dpn factory tu....unie n kwn2 d'beri mkn chocolte..mcm tester la kire... thennnNNNN.....
apalagi...m'BORONG, unie xbwk byk dwit..unie bli TIRAMISU & RICOZ(bittersweet choc) je.....boleh la kan.....=)

      unie suka choc!!! =D
    : utk pengetahuan bersama, coklat bagus utk ksihatan....ada coklat yg m'ngndungi antioksidan yg bertindak sbgi anti penuaan.... =))) ( ni je yg unie egt...haha) <3


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