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Showing posts from February, 2012

here to be somebody =)

         hari ni...tlh d'isytiharkn bhwsanya.....tiada kuliah bg kami pelajar asasi....(bapak shiookkkk dgn brita niyh..) kowang nk twu x sbb ape??? hehehe...sbb...ASPER ade wt education fair....lokasi dkt kompleks akademik E,berdekatan pusat asasi sains pertanian.. .    aq.....mestilah dtg lewat lah cam bese ngan sekutu aq....aka roommates~XD          well...well....well....rupe2 nye skola mnengah bdkatan pon dtg...tmasuk my former school SMAPK. =) aq kan senior yg "friendly", aq sapa la sesape yg aq mmpu...huhu.... okeh,tujuan education fair niyh, actually nk dedahkan kpd masyrkt ttg fakulti2 yg terdpt dlm UPM..khususnya buat pelajar asasi dan fast track..(semak je =P) stiap fakulti yg berkenaan ade wat briefing selama 20min kat tmpt2 yg d'tetapkan.....hoho.... aq menyelit dkat fakulti perubatan & sains kesihatan...hahaha...(da twu xlayak =.=').....fakulti sains pertanian..... =) and the last one fa...


             don't ever trust mirror...haha...mirror is the big liar....we can't see our negative side.....but..people around us could be the best mirror....the way they react and interact with us shows our reflection to ehem.....just imagine, how will we react when somebody scold us?? ...........  the one that scolding,will know the degree of their anger .....see........people around us should be the best, whenever people tell us the truth bout our behaviour, listen and try to accept it.... it's ok to do filtration....but, avoid from arguing...... =) this will lead to endless fighting...


      Post aq yg bru niy, bukan sbb aq homesick...huhu. Nk remind y'all awal2...tkot salah pham....ehemm....hee~ aq nk ckp kat sini yg aq sgt SAYANG mereka...iaitu ayah & ibu aq...... sehari ke sehari aq smakin dewasa.....smlm pon genap umo aq nineteen....dan,,,dlm mse yg same ayh ngan ibu jgak semakin mningkat umor nye..... huh...kdg2 rse seronok jd org yg, dr sudut yg sdar yg.......ibu ngan ayh akn semakin mninggalkn aq.....& adik-beradik yg len...='(        Ayah slalu suruh kteowg bygkn klu ayh pergi seusia dgn nabi Muhammad S.A.W...(63 thun)...ayh soh kire bape thun lg yg tnggal.....=( tkot nk kire sbb aq twu dah xlame..........ayh ckp itu maksimum! mksudnye....probability, mungkin lebeyh awal........=( xmmpu...xsnggup....nk b'fikir ke arah itu...tapi,, walau mcm mne pon........bnde ini pasti terjadi....yg mne sseorg yg hidup, psti akn mnemui ajalnye..t'msuk ayh ngn ibu aq......


           ARGHH! tujuan aq nk tulis ary ni khas utk mlepaskn aty yg panas.... boley kan?? ah, mampos la blog aq.. BAJET sgt ke?? ehem......ckp pasal mmg anti btol la mkhluk ckp aq BAJET....pasal ape aq xsuke?? sbb aq hidop mmg jd diri aq.....tulen.....xwujud istilah BAJET. bukan la xleh nk trime ape owg hanya dgn cara yg BERHEMAH shj...klu da ckp mcm nk m'aibkan d'tempat awam.....tu nk MENGHINA....... ok....mungkin gurauan........gurau ke kalau da terang2 aq dlm keadaan yg sgt moody??? BAJET ke aq moody?? %$#(&%#@! klu ikot aty yg kne hasut setan niy, mmg nk je aq mencarut kat sini......BLOG aq, aq masih dlm sabar...stakat ni je sabar aq......xleh nk cer kat owg... menaip la yg aq mmpu....HUH.