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here to be somebody =)

         hari ni...tlh d'isytiharkn bhwsanya.....tiada kuliah bg kami pelajar asasi....(bapak shiookkkk dgn brita niyh..) kowang nk twu x sbb ape??? hehehe...sbb...ASPER ade wt education fair....lokasi dkt kompleks akademik E,berdekatan pusat asasi sains pertanian.. .    aq.....mestilah dtg lewat lah cam bese ngan sekutu aq....aka roommates~XD
         well...well....well....rupe2 nye skola mnengah bdkatan pon dtg...tmasuk my former school SMAPK. =) aq kan senior yg "friendly", aq sapa la sesape yg aq mmpu...huhu.... okeh,tujuan education fair niyh, actually nk dedahkan kpd masyrkt ttg fakulti2 yg terdpt dlm UPM..khususnya buat pelajar asasi dan fast track..(semak je =P) stiap fakulti yg berkenaan ade wat briefing selama 20min kat tmpt2 yg d'tetapkan.....hoho.... aq menyelit dkat fakulti perubatan & sains kesihatan...hahaha...(da twu xlayak =.=').....fakulti sains pertanian..... =) and the last one fakulti kejuruteraan.......
           probs yg melanda idop aq nk masuk yg ane???!!! da la xpndai.... xde communication skill yg mntOp... ni xb'potensi jd siswazah yg gemilang~~ ni kuaat b'mimpi...pasang angan2 tinggi melangit, tp nk dapat??? IMPOSSIBLE! =D tp, aq ade la jugak pasang angan2 kan...ade cita2......wakakakaka~
           alrite...y'all rse kn...owg cam aq sesuai msuk fakulti pe??? heheh... ala, msti kowg nilai perangai aq yg sengal niyh.... kowg jgn cadangkan aq masuk PALAPES sudaa..==' hahaha..... hurmm.....
ntahlaa......layak ke aq??? aq da tade matlamat giler........ @_@
              anyway.... aq da nk tamat foundation studies niyh....3 more months to go..huhu.... hopefully, achievement will be mine... target nk 4.00 sem niyh...wahahahaha...(jao panggang dr api)... tp, i'll try ma best...=)


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