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ada story...aku share la !

               Hye guys....heheh. Da sminggu aq cuti assi~ setakat ni aq hnya dok umah je... apalgi... menambah lemak tepu ar..HAHA. ehem....OK2...ade la jgak benefical activities yg aq da,,,,xbyk...
hmm.....1st skali yg aq bwat dan scare terpakasa adalah....,,memahirkan driving skills ni xbrani owg nye...ayah ckp,,kalut di tengah jln gitu laa~ = =" ape aq bole bwat kan kwn2.. aq takot arr..klu bukan kete ayh yg hancor..kete owg laen..kan aq dilema tuu~ @_@

               2nd activity yg aq da bwat ialah....errmmm,,,,,,,,tido + makan + mndi skali sehari tu mnde basic...mwahahahaha XD da lpaskn gian tgok citer hndustan..hik3. aq bukan fanatik ke,,macam da lme xtgok...nk gak aty ni tacing skali-skale ~

               Ahha! lg 1 bru je td berlakuuuuuuu~ adooooYYYY.... adek aq dpt notebook 1 mlaysia!! arrgghhh...shemat taw x! Brand acer~ design pn mcm sdikit arr,,,free en~
hesshhhhhh~ >,> tapI..ehehehe.... aq ade jumpe sowg dak chinese nih...dye dok dpn aq....booduck skola mne tah....[rse mcm MBS Sentul] skola adek da terpikat ngan dye...cewwwaaahhh....! muke dye mcm sowg actor jepun =)) gilang-gemilang aty aq..... aq ade snap pic dye curi2~ soryy...huhu.

               emm...... tyme penyampaian notebook terkial-kial nk cari tndas..hahakz. nature call pepagi...xjumpe!!! haishh..proB weyhh proB! aq pusing2 kat skola tuh...SMK Sentul Utama...[penyampaian bukan kt skola adek aq awww ]        tengah aq mundar-mandir dgn kekalutan tahap maksima... whoaaaaaa!!! terkezot aq....skola tu ade lift!!! =OOOO
First time aq jumpe....mwahahaha...jacoon tahap kuno zmn batu~ XD tp....mcm hncus jee.... vandalisme~ apaLAGA... hua3

               Ok...lift aq da lupekan....skang ni mane LADIES seyyhhhh!!!! aaaaaaaaarrrgggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!
Tibe2 ade sowg aunt chinese ni...pon kalut je aq tgok...huhu...dye pn cari ladies gak...ahakz.[ ade kawan]
Aq pon jejaln la ngan dye utk cari ladies......tibe2..,,,,ade 1 toilet kt kantin tuu.....rupe2nye....mesra pengguna... semua gender leyh masuk skali dgn OKU... AH! lantak laa...... tapi,,, aunt tu msuk dlu,,,[desperate sgt agknye] aq bg je laa..... pon tggu dgn pnuh keimanan+kesabaran....
tibe2 dye pon apelg,,,nak msuk la en.... then, dye ckp "ini tndas tada air maa....mau cuci pon xmolee... lu mau buang air besa pon xmmpu oo...air kecil saja mole la.."[dgn pelat cina nye...] dlm aty.... HA!!! yeke...xpelaa gitu.... aq pn xjd nk berhajat kt sana...tup2, niat tu pon ilang mcm tu jee....ok~ aq pon msuk dewan tgok pnyampain tu berlangsung....hahahahaha...apala malang!

               OK!! yg ni part paling sis bawak balek borang utk keje....whoa! i mean,,,,, seriously???!! aq ni mmg nk keje sgt ke? emm...tah laa....not sure..... tp, owg ckp...belum cuba belum tahu....keh3.... maybe i'll keep this once in a blue moon chance and glad~ APALAGA~ ngeh 50x

               Ok laaaa....... da penat type2 taww......sakit tgn...HAHAH! mmg toL....mlm kowt aq type nih...sesaje......mcm byk story nak share.... lgpon...BLOG AKU...SUKA HATI AKULAH. XD


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