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part time job KU =)

          Hello ladies and gentlemen~ uhuhu... =P hmm.....boring giLak!! so, aku jenguklaa blog ni yg  semakin suram...[mmg suram pon]
          By the way, aku da start keje part-time aku tuu... hmm...dah sbulan brape hri dah pon....
Apalagi en....byk btol pengalaman yg aku dapat... yg aku pasti xkan dapat kt mana2 pon =))))
Senior staff kat situ laen gile drp senior2 tyme skolaa...hahahha  !! [mmg la kan] aku agk cuakla mula2....yelaaa...tyme skola kan aku kene raging...i mean MENTALLY....~ sakitt wooo.... mkn hati taww..... =/ tp kt sane,,, totally different wa ckp sama luu... =P

          Eh!! Lupe nk kabo~ aku keje kat ARIANI KL2... dkt msjid india...btol2 depan JAKEL... for ur in4mation..both JAkel & AriaNi under the same company..uhuhuhu~ mcm biasolaa.... msuk2,, msti kene knal items... yolaa....jd sales assistant enn.... xkn xtwu nk juaL binatang ape en?? hahhha..
sminggu camtuh da pick up daa.... xsusa & xlame pon... dan2, pastu tros sale...tyme tu laa twu mcm mne kegelabahannye~ =)

          Xsmpai 2 minggu aku da kene marah dgn manager sumee.... huhu... pengalaman jugak tuh!! dah hujan aku pas kene sound kaw2~ [tacing..],,, eventually, aku rapat dgn manager.. =)) [hikmah...] dye kate aku degiL satu xnk TOUCH-UP..tu la masalah aku...katenye~ wahahaha.... nak wt canee.... aku xretii...nk aku jd badut sarkass kerr??huhu

          Paling bess....aku dapat improve the way aku interact dgn society... enlarging my social circle and of course public dealing... =)) kat ARIANI,, aku knal mcm2 mnusia dr mcm2 ngara........ aku knaL yg kaya dan juga yg kureng~~ huhu...  ragam mnusia yg hari2 aku hadap~ [laen sket drp m'hadap buku tyme study...bosan kot!] menguji kesabaran aku.............keimanan..haihz.....

          Dan yg paling bess,,,, aku dpt knal mcm mane owg kaye yg budiman,,dgn owg kaye yg poyosss.... =p klu datin2,,, seriously,,, dyeowg sgt humble and unexpected pon dye DATIN...... =)
dapt knal pstiii,,, bila dyeowg beli sakligus beli RM1, RM2,3,4,5 ++ ribuuu..... & tyme apply mmber card....[ tgok2 tulis nama Datin bla...bla...bla...] =)) attire gile sempoiiiii!!!! O.o ... xcerewet lak tuu~ =)
tp,,,klu yg poyo,,,hmm....nyusahkn owg mcm xde perimanusia plak.... =/   errgghhhh. . . .

          Best... sbb,,,, ape yg aku jangka pasal kehidupan owg2 kaya or corporate mcm dlm novel2 aku bace tu samee... =))) huhu.... owg loaded & humble la bru mnusia sejagaT respect.... [ aku pon nk jd cmtuh laa...hihi...amiiinnnn ]

          Papeponn,,,, bes la keje even penat... keje ape xpenat kn~ lesson yg btoL2 aku dpt keje kat situ ialah,,, kite xbole jd oowg yg memilih or plih kasih...layan owg,, bia same rata,,,ikhlas,,,, sbb,,,, kite xtwuu latar blkg owg tu mcm mne...mybe someday, owg tu lah yg akn bantu kite...duit xkemana.... cari redha ALLAH s.w.t yg utama......


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