ehem..d'sbbkn aq dpt ilham nk wat blog kt UPM, then let me bring u into my life here..basicly,i've friendly friends here juz the same tht i'd before at SMAPK...=)their nmes are NIZA, LINA, EQA, ZURA & usual, i'm always getting GILA2 frenz n diz mke my life colourful n wonderful! huhu =DD no wonder unie pun GILA!ouh..ohhh...actually, they're my roomates! only 6 members in a room..a big, obvious difference from my previous school..aHAKZ! after all, i'm alredy in sem 2 for diz "ASper"..n juz sat the test 1 in previous week~ hpefully get better result lah!ermm...not to mention the others!! my lecture's group members...arghhh....banyak lorh!! btw, they're all the best....~ =)
This blog is basically about myself and all my doings. You are welcomed to read and leave any comments. :)
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