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Pimples break out !!!

          Hye guys :) so long not to write anything here..

As the title mentioned, I would like to share some bittersweet experience that happened to me              several years ago. Currently issues regarding local products really overwhelming us as women.            We heard so many 'hot' topics regarding this. When was this started to happen?? HAHA. I also have no idea. Btw, most of us Asian women tend to find products that help whitening the skin complexion without really know how do those products work. WHY??

I guessed this is because Asian stigmatization by which girls with fair complexion define the beauty. This is totally misleading!! We should care most on the skin health regardless of skin colours. Personally I awe with those who have glowing, pinkish and healthy skin though they are middle-aged :) **applaud**

After all, thing happened differently on me. I faced with break-out not because of products obsessions :( But because of my carelessness. My lackadaisical finally left me suffering. **exaggerated** I got serious and awful skin irritation..They spotted around my cheeks. Itchy, reddish and flaming... Everybody was so compassionate and suggested many alternatives products that probably help. 

NO. It was pointless. The pimples still shamelessly invaded my fluffy cheeks :(

What did I do to further heal the acne? Nothing.. honestly I did nothing. One fine day, suddenly I was pretty conscious to check out the MFG and expiry date of my face cleanser.

OMG.. it expired soo long time ago!! 
At that time, I didn't think this would be really matter. But still, I stop using it promptly.

And YES, the expired face cleanser was the main cause. Since I stopped, the break-out diminished slowly with time.

And Alhamdulillah, it didn't leave any scars..I mean really BAD scars. Though the left spot still got some tiny reddish capillaries. This one I believe there is no way to ditch. You guys can drop tips if got any. hihi.

For the local products issues, it's a big lie if I say I never had one of them. KAHKAH. 
I bought sets of them... but not discipline enough to spoil my skin every day and night. I just put them on when I felt like it. Skincare can last very long with me beyond the expected period as assumed by the seller/promoter. This undisciplined side of me is somehow effective as I am not yet victimized.

For the sake of healthy skin, I personally suggest you guys to get the trusted ones from drugstores/pharmacies.. they are certified premises and the products are all screened by the enforced authorities. You can even get affordable and reasonable price of international skincares. 

That's all. Hopefully you guys got some input after reading this messy write-up :)

-_-       ehh... boleh pulak one full page membebel dekat sini.    -_-


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