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Compilation of computer aided assignment =='

     Here we go ! Now I would like to announce that I am officially ended with my 3rd semeseter !!! oyeahhhh!! #crazyfrogdance

     Simply say, my third semester was absolutely incredible! I was like zombie all day with my swollen eye bag eyes.. phewww~ T,T

      Frankly say, throughout my life, I never burned the midnight oil ! Not because I am a hardworking person, study everyday so that I didn't do so.. ermmm... It's only because that was not my routine~ HEHE

     And noww... I want to show you guys my workload during my 3rd semester specifically on my computer aided class. By the way, I supposed to hate this subject but after all, I still could finished up all assignments by myself ! with NO PLAGIARISM for sure :3

     This was one of the assignments which my friends and I stayed up all night, encountered so many troubles till one time Ama's laptop down and she needed to do all again from the beginning T,T

Reactor in 3D (acad3D)

Valve sideviews
2D drawing (autocad)
2D drawing - multiviews
2D drawing - multiviews

      errrmmm... to attach the pictures here are also a hard work ! =,,= There are still a lot in queue.. I am sicked of searching the files where I saved them.. c'mon stuffs.!

2D drawing - multiviews

Visio, the last assignment ^_^

      see. !!!!!!!! haha.. maybe it looks simple and easy ~ but for me, a beginner, to start off  needed full patient, passionate and hardwork. Most of them are last minutes work produced. It took days to complete the drawings and at the same time to become familiar with the software. Hopefully, I would still remember how to use the software till my final year. HOPEFULLY ! :D


  1. autocad best.. weh aku suka dowh kau punya reactor & valve. smart!

  2. best bila dah tawu buat.. haha XD
    yekea smart.. toche toche ^_^


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