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My day , My day , My day . . .

          Assalamualaikum :)

.... ermm.. our lives such a time race..Every single seconds mean a lot for us. Every precious moment would never happened again. Believe me. For instance, a date with a boyfriend/girlfriend would never be the same as the first date.. even though both are still the same couple.Your feelings... your conversations..... everything gonna change ! Yes... your happiness your sadness would never be from the same causes as previous ~ We should once ponder about this, how we gonna appreciate every moment left... with family,with friends.. since every lives will come to an end.

Some kind of sentimental introduction  I guess . wakakaka XD

         ok now serious matter. Last week and still of my family members was admitted to hospital (HBKL). My beloved brother :( He was suspected dengue after the third check up as his blood was said to have concentrated. To make things become worst, his platelet significantly drop in number from 114 to 84 !! I don't really understand what was really going on but I believe that was a bad news. From the first day, he had a fever right after went back from school (Wednesday evening) His body was getting hotter and hotter and he asked ibu for some medicines. He took paracetamol but unfortunately, it didn't work. His desire to eat decreased and refused to eat anything..

          3 nights in row, ibu and ayah brought him to clinic or hospital and he had received an injection to reduce his hotness. At the same time, because of irregular meal taking, he also got gastric.He vomit for nothing from empty belly and diarrhea. This just made him even sick and weak :(

          Ibu agreed when a doctor told her that he must be warded. This is all for the sake of his health and he would also get good supervision and treatment.During evening (visiting time), ibu and I visited him and brought some of his requirement. I could see a bottle with sodium chloride hung at a pole beside his bed was channelled to him. Yup.. that was the only so-called medicine for dengue patients. I was once got dengue during twelve and it was the same fluid. The only way to cure dengue is the patients need to drink as much as they can. I predict the particular bacteria might get out from the body through urea or perspiration.

         In the evening, I went to the hospital again with ibu just to make sure he was fine. Ibu worried if he wouldn't consume the meal and meds accordingly. I could see rashes started to appear all over his body. That was the symptoms of dengue ! His skin also started to flake as if it was dried. These were the consequences of his higher body temperature. But glad, he started to eat something. :)

        The next day, early in the morning, I went with ayah. We brought some kuih for him and also 2 bottles of heated water.( he texted ibu and asked for them). That was the forbid time to visit but who cares ! Ayah gave excuses to the guard then he let us in :) As soon as we entered the wad, Afiq was seen to sit on his bed.He just taken his breakfast. A chunk of potato bun and a cup of tea. Coincidentally, that was the time for doctors to check the patients. So many doctors around were busy checking patients with variety of sickness.Diabetes,high-blood pressure were enough to creep me out. =,= By the the time doctor checked Afiq, I stood beside the doctor and listened to whatever she talked. She said, Afiq's condition getting better but might be temporarily so, she asked Afiq to drink more water.

         After that, I was not allowed by ibu to go along as I was needed to look after my nephew, E-man. ermmm... I stayed at home and watched tv. Love in Paris and Be careful with my heart dramas on TV3 have caught my attention :)  All happened quite the same for a few days.

         Then, yesterday evening, Afiq was allowed to return home ! His platelet increased and achieved rather a stable condition. Everybody was glad and happy to hear that. Now, Afiq is at home. :) :) :) 4 days in hospital really taught him many lessons. No more syringes every 6hours, no more meds and no more sodium chloride supplied through hand veins!!!!  HAHA. This incident had switched our daily lives activities a lot which I need to shuttle ibu between home and hospital and biked if to avoid traffic congestion in KL.

        huhhhhh....... hectic life ever! Then now, I would like to remind you that prevention is better than cure !
Nowadays, dengue seems to be rampant. Please banish stagnant water and be at home at 5.30-6.30am and 6.00-7.00pm. This duration is believed to be the time when mosquitos (Aedes) are actively attacking.

        ByeII folks !! thanks for reading ^_^



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