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Unforgettable S E P E T ~

            Hello everyone :)

This entry exclusively I want to share about my very first pet ----------> S E P E T !
But sadly, he was no longer in this world. This cat had died and the whole family of mine can feel his absence.

 First of all, Sepet was not a Persian type of cats or any other glamour kind of cats.. He was only a stray cat. He got white base fur colour and several spot of orange colours. I still remember when the first time he came to our house and like begging for food... He was very ugly, got injured, very thin that I could see his rib cage... and got disgusting ringworms around his body...

Oh my God.. poor cat.. Ayah fed him by giving a bowl of rice mixed with a bit of fish.. Cat is seem to be the last listed pet for Ayah. Ayah had a kind of historical, unforgettable memories with cats before. Ayah once got a cat but he defecated on his bed. This was all made him upset !! Since then, Ayah is less interested in cats...... But then, because of humanity and sympathy encouraged ayah to feed Sepet :)

After that, Sepet frequently came to our house.... "meowww meooww... "he sounded very slowly and made us even sad...and again, we feed him as usual. This happened for a few days until one day, he seemed not to appear... We actually never bother too much at that time..we just ignored..

On one night Ayah told us that Sepet was behind our neighbour house. He had broken leg and just laid there in coldness. Broken leg??!!! That was why he didn't come to our house.. He might be very hungry :'(
Everyday, Ayah sent a bowl of rice mixed with a bit fish and also a bowl of water to Sepet.. Ayah told him to eat if he want to recover.. Ayah said that, if injured animals are still have desire to eat and drink, that's mean they still have chances to alive otherwise, they would die.

Suddenly, I found Sepet was under Ayah's car... He could move !! I was very delighted to see that. However, he couldn't walk normally.. he walked in bumping ~ Then Ayah convinced me that, the cat struggled to still, our responsibility to give a help. We helped him as much as we could by giving him food as he couldn't find food by himself. Day by day.. he started to recover.. he could walk normally.. and run happilly like other cats.. :)

The ringworms also gone as Ayah always smeared benzene on his body.. I don't believe but it really worked !!! I don't know.. Ayah like gifted to treat whatever animals with simple sickness. No need to consult vet which it surely costed us. He grew up well and became fluffy !! :) The special thing of Sepet was, he never made annoying sounds and only sit silently when he was hungry. He was a pleasant.. :) :)

He was named as Sepet because of his eyes... He never wide opened his eyes if it was always been exposed to bright sunlight beam.. cute..... :) Plus he could do massage too !! Just imagine a cat with half close eyes, massaging... HAHA.. hilarious~ He made my days.. :)

As the days past, he became a grown male cat. He started to find his partner and mating.. Unfortunately, his genital region was infected. It kept producing fluid.... :( Since then, Sepet didn't eat much... I knew he was suffering from an illness.. He became thinner and thinner....:'( We couldn't effort to find a vet for him...

Since then, he always laid down under Ayah's car... when the time to eat, we called him out.. "meoowww.."
Then he replied "meeooww.." too and came out slowly.. :(

But... his illness became worst day by day...he refused to eat anything and didn't make any sound.. Ibu pulled him out from underneath car and dropped water to his mouth. He swallowed the water as he was very thirsty...  Then, Ibu put him down and covered his body with thick cloth...I could see his respiration was not normal...He breathed very rapidly liked gasping for air... :'(  It seemed so hard for him..

Sadly say, that was the last day Sepet in this world.. A couple hours later, we noticed he was gone.. gone forever !!!!!! :'(

You had absolutely clawed your name in our heart Sepet. We will not forget about about you forever ~

 <3 <3 <3


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